Albert the Great on the Human Being: An Inter-disciplinary Colloquium
April 28-29, 2023
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Principal Organizer: Bernhard Blankenhorn, L’institut des études dominicaines (IED)
Theology Faculty, (University of Fribourg)
Co-organizer: Prof. Katja Krause, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin)
Co-sponsor: The Thomistic Institute, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Rome)
Vendredi 28 avril
9,00 Introduction
9,15 Isabelle Moulin (Strasbourg): The vestige as the 'other' image. Exploring an irrational, partial and distorted reality
9,45 Sebastien Milazzo (Strasbourg): L’imago Dei dans le traité De angelorum creatione
10,15 Discussion
10,45 Pause
11,00 Paul D. Hellmeier (LMU, Munich): Of Bats and Eagles. What they see and what they do not: Two key metaphors for human knowledge in Albertus Magnus
11,30 Amos Bertolacci (Scuola IMT Alti Studi, Lucca): Strategies of Human Divinization: Avicenna and Albert the Great
12,00 Discussion
12,30 Lunch
15,00 Alessandra Beccarisi (L’Università degli Studi di Foggia): Neoplatonic Theories in Albert the Great’s Gospel of Matthew
15,30 Dominic Dold (Max-Planck-Institut for the History of Science): Albert the Great on Meno’s Paradox
16,30 Pause
16,45 Paloma Hernández Rubio (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana): Grasping the naked individual: Albert the Great on Common Sensation in De homine
17,15 Katja Krause (Max-Planck-Institut for the History of Science): Albert and Scientific Experience
17,45 Discussion
18,15 End of the first day
Samedi 29 avril
9,00 Thérèse Scarpelli Cory (Univ. of Notre Dame, USA): The self-knowing soul in Albert the Great
9,30 Franklin Harkins (Boston College): Divine Providence and Human Knowledge in Albert's Super Iob
10,00 Discussion
10,30 Pause
11,00 Hans-Joachim Schmidt (Université de Fribourg): Social Cohesion and the Defense of Private Life
11,30 Bernhard Blankenhorn (Université de Fribourg): Albert on man as a social, ecclesial being
12,00 Discussion
12,30 Lunch
15,00 Tobias Hoffmann (Sorbonne, Paris): Albert the Great’s Early Account of Prudence
15,30 Tracy Wietecha (Max-Planck-Institut for the History of Science): Becoming a Moral Subject: civilitatis in Albert the Great's Ethical Commentaries
16,00 Discussion
16,30 Pause
17,00 Meghan Duke (Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.): God's infinitude in Albert's thought on beatific vision
17,30 To be announced
18,00 Discussion
18,30 Conclusion of the colloquium